Welcome to the OHS Humane Education Program, a site for educational exchange and creativity for all ages. OHS promotes kindness, empathy, compassion, and protection of companion animals and wildlife through several educational paths:

Animal Tales: stories contributed by students and animal lovers.

Read with OHS: visual and auditory video narrations from thought-provoking children’s books viewable on our OHS YouTube Channel

OHS Humane Education Patches for any youth, scouts, or clubs and designed to encourage understanding of animal care and animal issues.

Community Service Projects for high school and younger interested students coordinated with our OHS Youth Volunteering Program.

Learn Outdoors with OHS: Elementary school classrooms can join OHS to participate in outdoor activities to connect to nature and care for their community through events like the Great Schoolyard Bird COUNT Day and Clean Up the Schoolyard for Earth Day.

Humane Education E-library with educational booklets on animals of all types for elementary students.

Humane Education Newsletter: monthly one page newsletter with focused information and activities for elementary students delivered by email September -April.

Kind News Magazine Sponsor for classrooms of K-6 students in Fremont, Newark and Union City of Kind News, a Red Rover publication.


Have an animal story to tell?

Animal Tales is your place to share your original stories! Articles are written by our community youth and adults about their activities, rescues, clubs, community activism, and pets.


Want stories with subtitles to read along with your child?

Visit, follow and read along with our Read with OHS program with visual and auditory video narrations from thought-provoking children’s books viewable on our OHS YouTube Channel.


Interested in educational materials and lesson ideas?

Check out our OHS e-Library -the place to find all our publications and links to our other materials. Explore educational e-books, read along stories, humane education newsletters and community stories.


OHS Humane Education Patches!

Explore different ways to earn a PATCH, including creating or restoring a wildlife habitat, caring for a pet, using recognized global tracking software for wildlife as a citizen scientist, or advocating for an animal species or the environment. Learn more.


Looking for Community Service Projects?

Earn service hours through our OHS Youth Volunteering Opportunities! Humane Education coordinates several opportunities with our OHS Youth & Family Program for youth to do at home and in school to learn about companion and wild animals, animal welfare, and environmental support for our community.

Help Students Learn to Celebrate Nature with our Classroom Participation Certificates!

Join OHS as we celebrate important global learning events outdoors like the Great Schoolyard Bird Watching Day and Clean Up the Schoolyard for Earth Day. Classrooms receive a certificate of participation and the student’s drawings, worksheets, and comments are posted on our website!


Need Ideas about animal topics and student activities?

Subscribe to our monthly OHS Humane Education Newsletter, September-April, that has focused articles and awareness activities for teachers of elementary education.

Apply to receive a free classroom subscription!

OHS reaches over 3,000 students each year by sponsoring classroom subscriptions to a Kind News magazine, a publication of RedRover, for your students. Teacher’s guide included.